February 3, a postcard with an original stamp dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Luna 9 automatic interplanetary station first soft landing on the Moon will be released into circulation as part of Space Conquest series

Luna 9 automatic interplanetary station is one of a large series of Soviet AIS used to research the Moon and space. On 3 February 1966, the station achieved a soft landing on the Moon in the vicinity of Oceanus Procellarum, to the west of Reiner and Mary craters.

One of the most important discoveries of Luna 9 was confirming a hypothesis about the Moon surface structure. Panoramic photos of the Moon surface taken at different Sun heights above the horizon provided an opportunity to study the Moon soil, to determine sizes and shapes of depressions and stones.

The postcard with an original stamp depicts a symbolic image of a carrier rocket being launched into space. The main image features a descent module of an automatic interplanetary station on the Moon surface.

Additionally, FSUE PTC “Marka” will manufacture a special cancellation postmark for Moscow, Korolyov (Moscow Oblast) and Baikonur central post office.

Design: A. Drobyshev (stamp), R. Komsa (illustration)
Circulation: 19,000 copies.

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