Exhibition of JSC Marka artists held at the Moskvitch Cultural Centre

November 29, an exhibition started to commemorate the 95th birth anniversary of Afanasiy Sukhinin, an artist and the head of the AZLK Cultural Centre first art studio. His apprentices’ works are exhibited at the Small Hall lobby. They are professional artists, members of the Union of Russian Artists. Among them are JSC Marka’s artists: Sergey Ulyanovsky, Fyodor Sukhinin, Artyom Adibekov, Sergey Sviridov.

For over 40 years the art studio activities were inspired by Afanasiy Evstafyevich Sukhinin (1923 – 2011), a man of great talent and wide interests. He went through a hard school of life from a hungry Siberian village boy through the hardships of the Great Patriotic War and Nazi German concentration camps to a professional artist and fine arts teacher.

A great many talented artists working in various fields of arts went through the AZLK art studio and Afanasiy Sukhinin. They all have good memories of the years spent at the studio, gratitude to their teacher and high professionalism taught by the master.

The exhibition is open till 11 December, free admission.


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